Angel Studios

Video Privacy Policy

Updated: July 31, 2024

Please read this Video Privacy Policy and Consent completely. Your consent applies to all use of the Device(s) on which you enable the Service even when other people use your device. You are responsible for informing such persons of this consent and for all activities that occur under your account.

You authorize Angel Studios, Inc. (“Angel” or “we,” “our” or “us”), and our successors and assigns, to collect and use Personal Usage Data (defined below), which is collected through use of the Angel Service (“Service(s)”) via the Devices on which you have enabled it (“your Personal Usage Data”), and to disclose that information to the parties listed below in the “Angel’s Sharing of Your Personal Usage Data” section. Capitalized terms not expressly defined in this Video Privacy Policy and Consent have the meanings ascribed to them in the Angel Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, incorporated by reference. In the event of any conflict between such Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and this Video Privacy Policy and Consent, this Video Privacy Policy and Consent shall govern with regard to the matters herein.

Personal Usage Data

Our primary goals in collecting Personal Usage Data are to provide and improve our Platform, conduct our Operations, communicate with people and enable visitors to our Platform to easily navigate and enjoy them. “Personal Usage Data” includes all information collected by Angel, as indicated in the Angel Privacy Policy and/or Angel Terms of Use related to, connected to or otherwise associated with the video and other content consumption and other activities (e.g., viewing habits) on the Device(s) on which you have enabled or accessed our Service. This information may include, without limitation, Personal Information, Device identifier and other UID data, Demographic Information, Usage Information, log files, Tracking Technologies data, and information provided by third-party content suppliers and services vendors, such as analytics, advertising and content recognition technology and service providers. Personal Usage Data may include information on video or other content views and interactions, and about the Devices on which the Service is activated or otherwise accessed. Personal Usage Data may also include any other personally identifying and non-personal information collected through the Service or via any analytics or technology services used by Angel in connection with the Service.

Angel’s Use of Your Personal Usage Data

Angel uses Personal Usage Data, along with other information Angel may collect about you, in order to manage your account and to provide and improve the Service, such as to recommend other content you may like and to serve you interest-based advertising. For more information about how we use all of your information, please read the Angel Privacy Policy.

Consent for Angel’s Sharing of Your Personal Usage Data

You consent to our sharing of your Personal Usage Data to third parties under the following circumstances:

  • Third Parties That You Authorize. We may share your Personal Usage Data in accordance with consent given at the time a disclosure is sought. We and third parties may offer you the ability to share your Personal Usage Data with others, such as by publishing it to social media. If you do so, you consent to that sharing.
  • Our Service Providers and Content Suppliers. We may use third parties engaged as contractors, licensors, or services providers to help us operate and improve the Service, such as for purposes of content recognition; order fulfillment; request processing; recommendation analysis; payment and transaction processing services; information technology and telecommunication services; hosting services; accounting, legal, collections, and consulting services; providing content, delivering media and distribution services; or account management, or other business services. In the course of providing such services, these third parties may have access to, or be given, some or all of your Personal Usage Data. Including, but not limited to, service providers such Braze, Segment and Bugsnag.
    • As the data controller, Angel Studios implements appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data and respond to data subject access requests. Data controllers may establish contracts with entities (data processors) that process personal data for their established purposes (in this case, essential processing, analytics, and marketing).
    • Data processors are multi-tenant platforms, contractually obligated to implement security and privacy safeguards and respond to data subject access requests per the agreements made with the data controller. These data processors may also use sub-processors to perform their functions in compliance with their security and compliance agreements.
  • In Connection with a Transaction or Business Reorganization. If Angel transfers ownership of all or part of its business, or sells or transfers assets relating to the Angel Service, or is otherwise involved in a merger or business transfer, or in a bankruptcy or similar reorganization proceeding, Angel may share your Personal Usage Data as part of that transaction or proceeding (including during diligence and negotiation).
  • Advertisers and Ad Networks. To help you get more relevant interest-based ads, we may share your Personal Usage Data with third party advertisers and third parties that facilitate the delivery of ads. For more information on advertising and what choices you may have regarding it, see our Privacy Policy.
  • Other Third Parties. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Angel may disclose your Personal Usage Data (subject to any applicable legal requirements): to law enforcement pursuant to a warrant, subpoena, or a court order; in a civil proceeding, pursuant to a subpoena or court order; to comply with a request for cooperation by a government entity; to protect and/or enforce our rights or the rights or safety of third parties; to deter and prevent fraud or crime; for Angel’s risk management purposes; to comply with our obligations and commitments regarding the privacy and security of your information; to prevent unauthorized, improper or illegal activities on the Service; to enforce our terms and rules; as otherwise permitted under our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use; and/or as specifically disclosed when we collected the information.

For additional information on how and to whom we share information, see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Consent to Sharing of Your Protected Video Info

Some of your Personal Usage Data may be subject to the federal Video Privacy Protection Act (“VPPA”) and similar state laws (“Protected Video Info”). You acknowledge that your consent herein includes giving Angel permission to collect, retain, use, and disclose your Protected Video Info as provided in this Video Privacy Policy and Consent and the Angel Privacy Policy. For Protected Video Info governed as “personally identifiable information” under the VPPA, your consent herein to our sharing of that “personally identifiable information” (defined as “information which identifies a person as having requested or obtained specific video materials or services….”) expires two (2) years after it is given; however, not all types of sharing require your consent. To the extent required by applicable law, you may at any time withdraw your consent regarding Protected Video Info by contacting us at and stating that you desire to terminate your Protected Video Info consent. This will not affect sharing where consent is not required. The expiration or termination of your Protected Video Info consent may result in the termination of your ability to continue to use the Service, and only limits our ability to continue to use and share your Personal Usage Data to the extent required by applicable law. Any renewed use of the Services after termination or expiration is a new consent. If we obtain new consent from you after the expiration of the two (2) year period, this period may be extended for additional two (2) year periods each time we obtain new consent from you.

By agreeing to this Content Privacy Policy and Consent, you are consenting to our sharing of your Protected Video Info, including what videos were watched and what video programming was otherwise interacted with, on the Device(s) on which the Service has been activated or accessed. Sharing this information will help Angel to provide superior service and allows you to take full advantage of the features of the Angel service.

Consent for Residents of Minnesota, New York, or Tennessee

If you are a resident of Minnesota, New York, or Tennessee, the following is in addition to your general consent above. By agreeing to this Video Privacy Policy and Consent, you are effectively “signing” the consent in the corresponding state notices below:

Minnesota: This videotape service provider (videotape seller) from time to time provides to marketers of goods and services, the names and addresses of customers and a description or subject matter of materials rented or purchased by video customers. The videotape service provider (videotape seller) may not include your name, address, or the description or subject matter of any material rented or purchased in these lists without your written consent. This election may be changed by you, in writing, at any time. I do not object to the release of my name, address, or the description or subject matter of the material rented or purchased.

I consent and agree

New York: This video tape service provider from time to time provides to marketers of goods and services, the names and addresses of customers and a description or subject matter of materials rented by video customers. You have the right to elect not to have your name, address or the description or subject matter of any material rented included in such lists. This election may be changed by you, in writing, at any time. I do not object to the release of my name, address or the description or subject matter of the material rented.

I do not object to the release of my name, address or the description or subject matter of the material rented.

Tennessee: This video tape service provider from time to time provides to marketers of goods and services, the names and addresses of customers and a description or subject matter of materials rented by video customers. You have the right to elect not to have your name, address or the description or subject matter of any material rented included in such description or subject matter of any material rented included in such lists. This election may be changed by you, in writing, at any time.

I consent and agree


Because the methods used to protect your Personal Usage Data and the services we provide are continually evolving, this Video Privacy Policy may change at any time. Unless otherwise noted, those changes will be effective as soon as they are posted. If changes are made to this Video Privacy Policy, we will make it known on our Platform or by email and will indicate the last date it was updated above. Please check back periodically to see if our Video Privacy Policy has been updated. However, we will not use your previously collected Protected Video Info or other Personal Information, to the extent it is not collected under an applicable new privacy policy, in a manner materially different than represented at the time it was collected without your consent.

Your continued use of our Platform after any changes to this Policy become effective, constitutes your continued acknowledgement that you understand that we may continue to use your Personal Usage Data as described in this Policy.


We welcome your questions, comments and concerns about privacy. Please email us at or contact us via the Contact Us page on the Angel Studios website with any questions or feedback you have pertaining to our privacy practices.