How to Watch The Wingfeather Saga Season Two
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How to Watch The Wingfeather Saga Season Two

by Angel Studios | March 7, 2024

What to Expect from Season Two of The Wingfeather Saga

First things first, before we get into all the glorious details, are you curious about where and when you can watch The Wingfeather Saga Season 2? We've got you covered!

Timeline of Season 2 Release Dates

Gather ‘round, Wingfeather fans! Season Two is fast approaching on a screen near you.

In this epic season, the Wingfeather children, Janner, Kalmar, and Leeli, thought they were normal children. But they’re actually royalty: the Jewels of Anniera, royal heirs of a distant and fallen Kingdom. And now everyone wants to capture them. They’re forced to flee the only home they’ve ever known and travel through the dizzying Fingap Falls, twisting Strander Burrows, and the Fang-infested Dugtown, to find passage to the Ice Prairies—where lizard Fangs can’t follow.

The future of their family, and perhaps the fate of Skree, rests on their young shoulders. The world of Wingfeather grows ever larger in the second season, with the family facing new perils, new lands, and friendships forged in hope.

Here’s an official trailer of The Wingfeather Saga Season Two:

Season Two Premiere Livestream

Join the Angel Guild to watch the exclusive livestream premiere and stream episodes early starting April 5.

When Can I Watch Season Two of The Wingfeather Saga

You can enjoy exclusive Early Access to The Wingfeather Saga Season Two when you sign up to be a member of the Angel Guild.

As a Guild Member, you’ll get to stream all seven episodes of Season Two this spring. 

Season Two was streamed for non-Guild members during weekly watch parties in the summer of 2024.

Catch up on all the Season Two updates here:

Where Can I Watch Season Two of The Wingfeather Saga?

There are two options to watch:

  1. Angel Studios TV Apps: Many families have Roku, Apple TV, Google TV, or Fire TV. The best place is to watch on the Angel Studios App. Go to the app store, search "Angel Studios", and download. When you're in, click on The Wingfeather Saga.

  2. Angel Studios Mobile/Web App: If you want to watch on a computer or mobile device, you can go to and watch on the web. Mobile viewers also have the option to watch in the Angel Studios app available in the App store or on Google Play and can cast to a TV from their mobile device.

Guild-Only Season Two Release Schedule

When you join the Angel Guild, you’ll get early access to The Wingfeather Saga, months before General Access streaming begins.

Episode 1: Flight of the Wingfeathers

Episode 1 Image

The Wingfeathers must flee their familiar haven into the unknown with the Fang army close behind.

Episode 1 Guild-Only Early Access

Friday, April 5th at 1 pm, MT

Episode Livestream Recap

Tuesday, April 9th at 6 pm, MT

Episode 2: Fingap Falls

Episode 2 Image

Trapped above Fingap Falls, the Wingfeathers must make a final stand against the pursuing General Khrak and his Fang army.

Episode 2 Guild-Only Early Access

Friday, April 12th at 1 pm, MT

Episode Livestream Recap

Tuesday, April 16th at 6 pm, MT

Episode 3: Stranded

Episode 3 Image

Making their way along the River Blapp, the Wingfeathers encounter a new threat: the Stranders of the East Bend.

Episode 3 Guild-Only Early Access

Friday, April 19th at 1 pm, MT

Episode Livestream Recap

Tuesday, April 23rd at 6 pm, MT

Episode 4: The Roundish Window

Episode 4 Image

Taking refuge in Dugtown, the family must trust a stranger to guide them to the Ice Prairies.

Episode 4 Guild-Only Early Access

Friday, April 26th at 1 pm, MT

Episode Livestream Recap

Tuesday, April 30th at 6 pm, MT

Episode 5: The Sundering

Episode 5 Image

After a night of treachery, Janner and Kalmar encounter their biggest challenge yet, while Nia faces an impossible choice.

Episode 5 Guild-Only Early Access

Friday, May 3rd at 1 pm, MT

Episode 6: The Fork! Factory!

Episode 6 Image

Imprisoned in the Fork Factory, Janner encounters other kids called ‘tools’ by the Overseer. His escape attempt is thwarted after encountering an old friend. In the dark, he resolves to gain his freedom and help his brother.

Episode 6 Guild-Only Early Access

Friday, May 10th at 1 pm, MT

Episode Livestream Recap

Tuesday, May 14th at 6 pm, MT

Episode 7: Escape to the North

Episode 7 image

Janner sets his escape plan in motion, but discovers he may lose more than he can gain.

Episode 7 Guild-Only Early Access

Friday, May 17th at 1 pm, MT

Episode Livestream Recap

Tuesday, May 21st at 6 pm, MT

Support the Show

To help us make future seasons, you can

Join the Guild to Unlock Masterful Storytelling.
Help Transform the Industry.

Your membership directly contributes to the production of shows like The Wingfeather Saga, allowing filmmakers to tell more stories that uplift, entertain, and amplify light.


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