The Adventure Continues: Announcing The Wingfeather Saga Season 3
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The Adventure Continues: Announcing The Wingfeather Saga Season 3

by Angel Studios | September 3, 2024

The Wingfeather Saga has amassed quite a fanbase during its two-season tenure on the Angel Studios platform, and rightfully so; the inventive animated series transports viewers into the magical world of Aerwiar, to the Glipwood home of the Igiby family, where terrible creatures and mythical quests abound. 

Season 3 of the fan-favorite series has moved into production and is slated to come out in 2025. The third installment of The Wingfeather Saga, based on novels by the same name, will see the continuation of the family’s harrowing journey to learn more about who they truly are. Shining Isle Productions has partnered with Angel Studios to produce this season, which has been funded by loyal Wingfeather fans in the Angel Guild. 

Same Characters, A New Journey 

Have you come to adore the hijinks and quirks of the Igiby siblings as much as we have? If so, you’ll love Season 3 of The Wingfeather Saga. Janner, Kalmar “Tink” and Leeli are still the scrappy, courageous adventurers you know and love, and this new season will challenge them even more.

Season 3 Teaser Poster

Catch Up on Seasons 1 & 2


The first season of The Wingfeather Saga introduced our lovable main characters; the Igiby siblings, their mother, and their grandfather reside deep in the forest of Glipwood in the land of Skree, which is under the tyrannical rule of the fearsome Fangs of Dang. Janner, Tink, and Leeli are bright, inquisitive, adventurous kids who enjoy exploring their homeland and discovering new creatures. When a mysterious threat exposes their true identities and mystical strengths, the siblings must take a stand against enemies of all kinds and discover what they’re made of.

The show’s second season finds our favorite courageous siblings on the run. With their newfound identities as the Jewels of Anniera—royal heirs with a hallowed heritage and sacred responsibilities—they are now being chased by dangerous characters intent on their capture. Janner, Kalmar (formerly Tink), and Leeli must fight to protect each other, their friends, and the land they love from threats on all sides. 

Prepare for the third season of The Wingfeather Saga by catching up on the perilous adventures of the first two seasons. Watch for free in the Angel app

About The Wingfeather Saga 

Based on the book series by the same name from Andrew Peterson, which has sold more than 1.5 million copies in America alone, The Wingfeather Saga is a CG/hand-painted 2D cartoon kids’ show made possible by crowdfunding. The cast includes Alkaio Thiele, The Little Mermaid’s Jodi Benson, and Kevin McNally of Pirates of the Caribbean fame, alongside other talented cast members who bring the Igiby family, their friends, and their foes to life. The books and the show chronicle the adventures of the Igiby family, which includes siblings Janner, Kalmar “Tink” and Leeli, as well as their mother Nia and grandfather Podo. They navigate their magical country and fight against the occupation of the Fangs of Dang, which are led by Gnag the Nameless. The first season of the show depicts the events of the series’ first novel, with seasons 2 and 3 following the second novel.

Wingfeather Siblings

The Future of The Wingfeather Saga

This upcoming season is the third installment in The Wingfeather Saga series, and the show’s creators plan to release seven seasons in total. In addition to four more seasons to come, Angel Studios has partnered with a video game developer to create a game inspired by the Wingfeather world. 

Prepare for Season 3

We can’t wait for you to experience the third season of The Wingfeather Saga and discover your strength along with Janner, Kalmar, and Leeli. Prepare for this exciting new chapter in the Wingfeather story by watching (or re-watching) seasons 1 and 2. Check out our merch inspired by The Wingfeather Saga, featuring apparel, plushies, figurines, and so much more. Grab The Wingfeather Saga book series and dive even further into Skree, and stay tuned for more updates and exclusive content to come.

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