SOUND OF FREEDOM Emerges as #1 Movie in Latin America

Inspiring, True-Life Thriller from Writer/Director Alejandro Monteverde Takes Top Position in 18 Latin American Countries, Attracts Nearly 2 Million Viewers Opening Weekend

Movie Reaches #2Millionfor2Million Tickets Sold Goal in 4 Days

Provo, UT—September 6, 2023—Updated September 14, 2023

Angel Studios—a platform and studio empowering filmmakers to crowdfund, create, and distribute films and TV series globally, backed by thousands of Angel investors—has reached a new milestone, with the film SOUND OF FREEDOM claiming the #1 spot in 18 countries in Latin America. Written and directed by Alejandro Monteverde, the film has already reached its goal of selling 2 million tickets in Latin America to represent the 2 million children trafficked each year.

“The domestic box office performance on SOUND OF FREEDOM has been an incredible success story, but some industry experts have argued our film would not be able to translate this success overseas. We’re grateful to our fans for proving them wrong, and making us the number one movie in Latin America. We’re seeing packed theaters, standing ovations, widespread enthusiasm, and strong word-of-mouth from Buenos Aires to Mexico City to Bogota to Caracas, Lima, and beyond,” said Jared Geesey, Chief Distribution Officer at Angel Studios. “We set a goal of reaching 2 million in advance ticket sales—which took a full week in the US—and reached that goal in just four days in Latin America. This film is fast-becoming a global movement for change.”

SOUND OF FREEDOM: LATAM Box Office Countries with number 1 opening weekend ranking 8/31-9/3

  • 墨西哥

  • 危地马拉

  • 洪都拉斯

  • 萨尔瓦多

  • 尼加拉瓜

  • 哥斯达黎加

  • 巴拿马

  • 哥伦比亚

  • 委内瑞拉

  • 厄瓜多尔

  • 秘鲁

  • 玻利维亚

  • 伯利兹

  • 巴拉圭

  • 智利

  • 乌拉圭

  • 阿根廷

  • 多明尼加共和国

Other international theatrical release opening weekend box office rankings for SOUND OF FREEDOM include:

  • #1 in New Zealand on opening weekend

  • #2 in Australia on opening weekend

  • #2 in South Africa on opening weekend

  • #4 in United Kingdom on opening weekend

SOUND OF FREEDOM is based on the true story of former government agent Tim Ballard who quit his job to rescue a little girl from sex traffickers in the Colombian jungle. In the process, Tim and his team were able to save 123 people, 55 of which were children, from one mission alone.  

For more information, go to


 About Angel Studios: Angel Studios is the home of stories that amplify light. Through its platform, thousands of  “Angel” investors choose which titles will be created, funded, and distributed. Angel Studios allows creators and audiences to form passionate communities around their creative projects, making the story behind the story as important as the final project itself. The studios’ first projects—The Chosen and Dry Bar Comedy—have earned billions of views around the world. Learn more at