Young David

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Acerca de la serie

Young David

Sinopsis de la serie

Step into the world of Young DAVID, a 5-part animated mini-series that explores the formative years of legendary King David. Delve into his humble beginnings as a shepherd, his love for playing the lyre and composing poetry, his fateful encounter with the king’s shepherd, and his daring race to save his sheep from a fearsome lion. This heartwarming tale reveals the makings of a future king, long before he faced any giants or ascended the throne.

Fecha de estreno

10 de noviembre de 2023


Phil Cunningham

Productores ejecutivos

John Brandon

Phil Cunningham

Jacqui Cunningham

Nancy Brandon

Denise George

Erick Goss

Fred Kritzinger

Michael Jenkins

Sanet Kritzinger

Bernard Lans

Dan Raines

Brenda Wooding


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Brandon Engman


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Sloan Muldown


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