Homestead: The Series

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Homestead: The Series

Sinopsis de la serie

A continuation of the movie Homestead... After a nuclear bomb detonates off the coast of Los Angeles, a once-pampered nation devolves into brutal chaos. Picking up where the Homestead movie ends, the Homestead series follows the survivors within the Homestead as they clash against one another and the violent world outside. Are they an ark or a fortress? Is it kill-or-be-killed, or is God doing something greater?

Fecha de publicación

16 de diciembre de 2024


Ben Smallbone

Productores ejecutivos

David Fischer

Ben Kasica

Jason Ross


Markus Bishop-Hill

Caitlyn Kasica

Andrea Royer

Ryan Bethea

Deborah George


Jeff Kirkham

Director de Fotografía

Matthew Rivera


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Keith Campbell

Helicopter Pilot

Bailey Chase

Bailey Chase

Jeff Eriksson

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Nick Denbeigh

DEA Agent

Kearran Giovanni

Kearran Giovanni

Tara Eriksson

Jesse Hutch

Jesse Hutch

Evan Lee

Kevin Lawson

Kevin Lawson


Tyler Lofton

Tyler Lofton

Abe Eriksson

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Emmanuel McCord


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Jayson Orvis


Olivia Sanabia

Olivia Sanabia

Claire Ross

Colby Strong

Colby Strong


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Georgie White

Georgie Eriksson

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Goliath Davis

Bobby Reynolds

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Charles Esten


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Lincoln Hoppe

Doc Hodges

Ariel Llinas

Ariel Llinas

Lieutenant Javi Espada

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Kristen Jensen

Nurse Deborah

Dawn Olivieri

Dawn Olivieri

Jenna Ross

Sam Page

Sam Page


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Sam Page

Tom Reynolds

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Ambyr Reyes

Woman in Dress

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Jill Wagner

Jacq Reynolds

Homestead: The Series Transmisión en vivo

Mira todas las cosas de Homestead

Homestead explores survival and resilience amid chaos, from the apocalyptic struggle in theatrical film to the intense drama of Homestead: The Series and the timeless wisdom of Homestead: Family Survival.

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