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The World We Make

Sinopsis de película

Lee Grove, an 18-year-old spirited equestrian, and Jordan Bishop, an academic achiever and football standout, are poised to build a future together after high school. As they navigate their relationship, they encounter unforeseen challenges when racial prejudices emerge within their seemingly progressive small town. The couple must confront these biases, testing their bond and resilience as they strive to overcome societal obstacles and pursue their shared dreams.

Fecha de publicación

19 de abril de 2019


Brian Baugh

Producción ejecutiva

Julian Reid


Brian Baugh

George D. Escobar

Ken Carpenter


George D. Escobar

Director de Fotografía

Sam Sullivant


Caleb Castille

Caleb Castille

Jordan Bishop

Rose Reid

Rose Reid

Lee Grove

Kevin Sizemore

Kevin Sizemore

Jeff Grove

Gregory Alan Williams

Gregory Alan Williams

Thomas Bishop

Richard Kohnke

Richard Kohnke

Casey Grove

Gunnar Sizemore

Gunnar Sizemore

Logan Grove

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