Standing Up

Standing Up Coming February 2025

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Standing Up

Sinopsis de película

When Grace and Howie become targets of a distasteful prank at summer camp, they choose to leave behind the cruelty and embark on a life-altering adventure. Over the course of three days, they navigate challenges that deepen their friendship and reveal their personal strengths. As they learn to trust each other and confront their fears, they discover the transformative power of human connection, all while running from the camp that was supposed to be their summer escape.

Fecha de publicación

16 de agosto de 2013


D.J. Caruso

Productores ejecutivos

Ken Aguado

Sergei Bespalov

James D. Brubaker


Emily Berger

Brij Desai


Chandler Canterbury

Chandler Canterbury


Annalise Basso

Annalise Basso


Radha Mitchell

Radha Mitchell


Val Kilmer

Val Kilmer


Kate Maberly

Kate Maberly

Margo Cutter

Charles Carroll

Charles Carroll

Mr. Carlson

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