Seven Days in Utopia

Seven Days in Utopia Now Streaming for Guild Members

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Seven Days in Utopia

Sinopsis de película

Luke Chisholm (Lucas Black) is a young golfer who's about to take a swing at the big time. Luke, however, has a big blowup that makes national news, drives away his father/coach, and seemingly scuttles his once-promising career. While driving along a Texas backroad, Luke crashes through the fence of eccentric rancher Johnny Crawford (Robert Duvall). Johnny makes Luke an irresistible offer: spend a week with him in the tiny town of Utopia and see if Luke can change his life.

Fecha de publicación

2 de septiembre de 2011


Matthew Dean Russell


Ele Bardha


Robert Duvall

Robert Duvall

Johnny Crawford

Lucas Black

Lucas Black

Luke Chisholm

Melissa Leo

Melissa Leo


Deborah Ann Woll

Deborah Ann Woll


Brian Geraghty

Brian Geraghty


Kathy Baker

Kathy Baker


Joseph Lyle Taylor

Joseph Lyle Taylor

Martin Chislom

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