Lost On a Mountain in Maine

Lost On a Mountain in Maine Now Streaming for Guild Members

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Lost on a Mountain in Maine

Sinopsis de película

In Lost on a Mountain in Maine, twelve-year-old Donn Fendler embarks on a hike in northern Maine but becomes stranded in the wilderness. Over nine days, he faces extreme weather, starvation, and fear, relying on his resourcefulness and faith to navigate the treacherous terrain. While a desperate search party scours the area, Donn’s survival becomes a story of resilience and hope. Based on the true events of 1939, this survival drama captures the human will to endure against overwhelming odds.

Fecha de publicación

1 de noviembre de 2024


Luke David Blumm

Luke David Blumm

Donn Fendler

Paul Sparks

Paul Sparks

Mr. Donald Fendler

Caitlin FitzGerald

Caitlin FitzGerald

Mrs. Ruth Fendler

Ethan Slater

Ethan Slater


Jacob Heimer

Jacob Heimer


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