What Does it Mean to Amplify Light?
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What Does it Mean to Amplify Light?

by Angel Studios | September 1, 2023

At Angel Studios, our approach to entertainment isn't just about crafting captivating stories; it's about something more profound— amplifying light. 

How Does Angel Studios Define Light? 

We define it as entertainment that is true, honest, noble, just, authentic, lovely, admirable, and excellent. Our studio is the home of stories that amplify light.

It was clear from the beginning that Angel Studios didn’t want to solely build a film studio based on the likes of its competitors. The founders felt strongly that Angel Studios was going to redefine entertainment for generations to come.

Through Angel Studios’ platform, thousands of “Angel” investors choose which titles will be created, funded, and distributed. Angel Studios allows creators and audiences to form passionate communities around their creative projects, making the story behind the story as important as the final project itself.

How We Empower Your Entertainment

How do we determine if a project truly embodies the essence of amplifying light? We've chosen a unique path that sets us apart. 

Unlike traditional studios where decisions are top-down, we believe in the power of collaboration and inclusivity. It's not a handful of executives who make the call here. Instead, we've established a community of investors, united by our mission. Every project that comes our way faces a straightforward question: "Does it amplify light?" And here's the interesting part – it's not our team that provides the answer; it's you, the audience.

Through Angel Studios’ platform, thousands of “Angel” investors choose which titles will be created, funded, and distributed. Angel Studios allows creators and audiences to form passionate communities around their creative projects, making the story behind the story as important as the final project itself.

We've put the audience at the heart of our evaluation process. We trust that you, the viewers who engage with our content, hold the key to what truly resonates as great entertainment. This approach brings a refreshing twist to the traditional model. We're not dictating your preferences; we're celebrating your insights.

At Angel Studios, it's not just about the stories we tell; it's about the ongoing dialogue we nurture. We've shifted the power dynamic, making you, our valued audience, the co-creators of our journey. This approach doesn't just redefine storytelling; it reinvents the relationship between filmmakers and appreciators.

How Angel Studios Illuminates Meaningful Stories

Angel Studios stands as a testament to the power of collective creativity. Our mission to amplify light lets stories have a place to shine. Stories that have raised, inspired, and moved us deserve a place to be shared and cherished.

Animated TV series like The Wingfeather Saga and Tuttle Twins have engaged kids worldwide to think beyond their world for a whirlwind of adventure. 

Our latest box-office hit Sound of Freedom has sparked long-awaited conversations about trafficking and brought light to even the darkest corners of the world. Through the exploration of poignant topics, our work to amplify light lasts far longer than just a viewing experience.

Our North Star

Just as a compass, the stars and magnetic North guided sailors through dark waters centuries ago, Angel Studios’ North Star for filmmaking helps us navigate dark times and focus on light in our day. 

Our mission to amplify light reminds us of the enduring power of entertainment to illuminate stories that need to be told. Each story we choose to tell holds the potential to create a lasting impact that reverberates across society. Through the power of storytelling, we aim to continue amplifying light, ensuring that our narratives not only entertain but also serve as a source of inspiration, enlightenment, and positive change.

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Join our mission to infuse the industry with high-quality, uplifting entertainment the whole family can enjoy. Angel Studios’ library is filled with movies and shows that don’t just entertain, but inspire you to lead a better life.


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