How to Book a Private Theater for the Next Angel Release
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How to Book a Private Theater for the Next Angel Release

by Angel Studios | January 17, 2024

Want to see the next Angel Original release in a private theater? You can make it happen by buying out a private theater for an exclusive screening.

Buying out a private theater is the biggest way you can support films and filmmakers. It sends a clear message to theater owners that there is a built-in audience for that movie. We’re excited for you to experience every Angel Studios show on the big screen in a theater near you!

What to Say When Contacting a Theater for a Private Buyout

“Hello! I would like to buyout an entire auditorium for a screening of [movie] on [date] at [time]. The movie is about [x] hours long and I anticipate [number] of people to be in attendance. Can you provide me with a quote of what you have available?”

Sample Theater Buyout Email Template

Subject: Private Screening Inquiry for [name of movie]

To whom it may concern,

I would like to buyout an entire auditorium at [insert name and location of theater] for [name of movie] on insert date of choice here at [insert time here]. The film is about [x] hours long and I anticipate [number of people] to be in attendance.

Please provide me with a quote and availability of the theater. I look forward to hearing from you soon!


[insert your name]

[insert your phone number]

[insert your email]

The theater will then reply with a proposal. If the proposal looks good, you will sign and pay for your screening.

That’s it! You’re all set and ready to enjoy the show!

Why to Consider Booking a Private Theater

Buying out a private theater can work for many situations and is available to anyone! If you're interested, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Church groups

  • Family reunions

  • Class field trips

  • Business parties

  • You and your hundreds of friends who want to see the upcoming Angel Studios release!

Where to Book Your Next Screening Party


Q: How much does it cost to schedule a private showing?

A: Prices depend on whichever theater you choose to book with.

Q: What if I don't hear back after I submit the form?

A: If you don't receive a response in 48 hours, head to

Q: Will other Angel Studios theatrical releases be available for private showings?

A: Yes! Bookmark this blog and check back for upcoming films you can see in private showings.

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